The Australian Callers Federation (ACF) represents Australian callers and caller associations, performing the role of a National Body providing leadership and coordinating activities to further square dancing within Australia. Our mission is to support square dance callers in their pursuit of growing square dancing in Australia.
The benefits of being part of the ACF include:
- Access to standardisation of calls, teaching and training across Australia. Whilst respecting the international standardisation of the programs by Callerlab, we periodically will discuss and determine any guidelines that may be regional for this country.
- Subscribing to the Australian National Convention caller classification system. This provides a grading of callers for programmers of National Conventions to use. Being part of the ACF enables a caller to contribute to this method and gain a full understanding of its application to his/her calling abilities. The ultimate goals being to provide a good quality Convention program and improve members' abilities through feedback in this process.
- Access to training. The ACF co-ordinates periodic Caller-Cuer Conferences often in conjunction with Australian National Conventions. Contributions from its members are welcomed. Furthermore, the ACF provides caller seminars and/or interest sessions at National Conventions.
- Sharing of ideas on square dancing and calling issues across Australian states. ACF meetings, seminars, training sessions are an enabler for callers to share problems, solutions and benchmark at these meetings.
- Promotion of our activity. There are opportunities for callers to share ideas on promotion and work with the other dancer bodies to promote square dancing. The ACF fully supports such promotion and whilst not involved directly in the recruitment of dancers itself, the ACF will offer support to those that are in the form of idea sharing and communication.
Membership is open to individuals and associations.